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Curriculum Intent

Mosaic Schools Learning Trust (MSLT) Curriculum Intent Statement

Following research into cognitive science that has been undertaken by key leaders within MSLT, our curriculums have been built upon the recognised principle that learning only occurs when it moves from the short term to the long term memory.   Our curriculums are constructed with a strong knowledge and skills focus, and we are clear that knowledge is different to information, with knowledge being a path of interconnected facts rather than information which is a bank of isolated facts.

Curriculum drivers shape each individual curriculum within MSLT. They have been derived from an in depth understanding of our pupils’ and families backgrounds, our beliefs about high quality education, and our core values with a clear link to ambition. Each school has appropriate curriculum drivers that shape the curriculum content based on the needs and aspirations of the community it serves. We have also identified gaps in cultural capital and have purposefully planned the curriculum's content and breadth to provide rich and engaging learning experiences.

In our schools, endpoints provide clear expectations for each curriculum subject, specifying what must be learned and by when. These expectations provide the on-going criteria for assessment in each subject, which are used across schools to ensure the quality of our curriculum outcomes.

All trust schools believe firmly in repetition and retrieval of information on a regular basis as they believe that it is key to children retaining the knowledge they have learnt. We believe learning is most effective when there is spaced repetition and that regular retrieval of previously learned content increases both storage and retrieval strength. As a result, time is built into planning to ensure that repetition and retrieval is proactively thought about.

Our teaching pedagogy is built around our belief in the Rosenshine principles and our commitment to ensuring that every child is considered as an individual through the strategies we adopt. Formative assessment is integral to our lessons and provides in the moment feedback to enable pupils to make the best progress possible in every lesson. Pupil engagement is key, and we deliberately plan to ensure that all pupils think and learn in a positive and inclusive environment.

Language development is a fundamental aspect of every school curriculum, where vocabulary is planned, taught, and applied. This approach ensures that pupils continuously expand their vocabulary and uphold consistently high language standards.

All staff at MSLT have been involved in the development of their curriculums and are constantly reviewing and refining them to ensure they meet the current needs of pupils within their schools. All staff are committed to providing bespoke curriculums around common trust principles that are highly aspirational, exciting and relevant to their individual communities.