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Benefits of Joining Mosaic

Benefits of working together with Mosaic Schools Learning Trust

  • Intentional collaboration and moving forwards together.

  • Networks of Academy leaders across the Trust working together on curriculum development.

  • Head Teacher Strategic Group work together to ensure a coherent strategic direction.

  • Quality joint INSET and Continuing Professional Development opportunities are run by leaders within the Trust.

  • Termly peer reviews in each Academy.

  • Establishing areas of best practice to share and areas of development to support.

  • Centralised Business Services to enable school leaders to concentrate on developing and delivering the highest quality educational standards for all children.

Schools belong to their local community, and we encourage schools to retain their own unique identities. There are many ways to be involved in the Mosaic community – as a school, as staff, as volunteers or as a trustee or governor. Please contact us if you require additional information.